On wed's 23rd September I visited The Tate Modern in London, I was expecting to bring something back with me from this experience, but I left feeling guilty as I didnt draw any emotions or feelings from any of the pieces. Obviously there were one or two that stuck out due to the size and weirdness. For example one of the pieces was an oversized table and chair set that took up all of the space in the room, I felt that this piece didn't require a creative mind, anyone can make an oversized piece of furniture and its not original it has been done before, to be honest the whole exhibition bored me. I was constantly looking for something to draw me in but unfortunatly there was nothing.
Im thinking the reason that nothing drew me in is because I have a very closed mind when it comes to art, I love dark disturbing pieces, I can't get my head around how a badly drawn multi coloured lady is art, I don't get anything from it. I did try to open my mind when it came to one or two pieces, I stod and tried to really take it in and figure out a meaning, but there really was nothing that shouted out to me. One of my favorite artists is HR Giger,he is a very talented man, all his pieces have a very clear meaning whilst at the same time they are twisted and complex/complicated. I feel that art is created with someone with a creative talent, someone that can paint, draw, and put across there point in a piece. In the Tate there were an awful lot of pieces that weren't created with talent as I see it,I think maybe this mental block stopped me from taking anything for this exhibit.
I feel that the space within the Tate couldv'e been used alot better, I found it very crowded and messy, I didn't feel that there was a proper lay out, all different types of pieces where mixed in together, it was too much, also I found it quite hard to find certain exhibitions, it was also very easy to get lost with no clear pathways or markings, which made me feel very closed in and needing to get out. Perhaps the artwork was placed like this to make the audience feel this way, the paintings where all 'hicildy piccildy' there was no distinct lines or free space. It was alot to take in all at once. The paintings may have been placed like this to overpower the audience to drag them in. to keep then in ore of the artwork. To put across how great these pieces are. I personally think that the Tate definatly does try to force you to percieve the artwork in a certain way. The fact that you walk in expecting to bring something out back with you, may make people over think a piece or perhaps not get it atall.
Im sure someone with a more modern sense of art would enjoy this alot more, but unfortunatly this wasn't for me.