For example someone maybe absolutely terrified of a horror movie, whereas another person may sit unphased and amused. Different people have been exposed to certain things at different stages in their lives. For example if you have been watching horrors since the aged of 12 and is now 24 you would be less phased by it then someone who had only just started to watch them. This is because the person that has been watching the films are used to seeing gore and violence, they become immune to it in a way. Whereas the person who has only just stared to watch horrors is'nt used to seeing blood and gore and may be shocked by it. The same thing goes to people who first see a piece of art.
One person may take something entirely different from an art piece then another. For example, some people look at a skelington as a symbol of death, wheras others may see it as a symbol for death of an old way of life and new beginnings. Some people may just take a picture for how it is, i.e 40 pieces of silver that is presented in the Tate Modern as just bits of cultery hanging from a ceiling, whereas another person may read some kind of meaning behind it. This may be because they already have seen pieces by the artist, or have been brought up with different views on the world, i.e some people see a half glass of water as being half full the others will see it as being half empty.

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