I would like my piece to put forward a mental illness using imagery, as sometimes it is hard to explain a mental illness through words, especially if you have little knowledge of it, or you have never come across anyone with a mental illness. The mental illness I will be using is Bi-Polar (Manic Depression). This is an illness where you are either manically happy or manically depressed and alone. I will use 'scene setting' to put across both emotions.
For example, with depression, I will use dark slow depressing music, dark closed in spaces, twisted images, a person in distress, maybe also involve drug and alcohol abuse. For the manically happy emotion, I will use bright colours uplifting upbeat music, a person happy (being loud laughing) with friends.
I want the two emotions to constantly conflict.One minuite you will see this person happy with friends out and about, next minuite her friends dissapear and she is on her own, in her darkness. You have to set a definate scene to seperate the two contradicting emotions.
With this, I will use two humans to represent both emotions, i'e, manic depression will be dressed in black and scarlet, holding a bottle of booze with a ciggerette, she will constantly being trying to seduce the sufferer to her darkness whilst she is happy. Manic happyness will be dressed in light colours with light hair holding flowers and a gift of love/heart she will constantly be tempting the sufferer out of depression .... at the end depression and Happyness will fight eachother, which will inevitably lead to one over ruling and taking over the sufferers mind.

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